Hamfest Hours:

  • The hamfest will be open to the public Sat, 9:00–4:30 PM and Sun, 9:00–3:00 PM.
  • Your pre-purchased admission button (with a drawing ticket) will be available at “Will Call” in the front lobby on Saturday morning beginning at 7:30 a.m.
  • Grand prize drawing will be Saturday at 4:00 PM and Sunday at 2:00 PM.
  • Move-in hours for dealers and flea market are Fri, 10:00 AM–6:00 PM and Sat, 7:00–8:30 AM.
  • Admission: is $15, under 12 free.


A parking garage across the street is being re-constructed adjacent to a new Hampton Inn and is partially open.  Access is via Clinton Ave.  Additional surface lots on Clinton Ave will also be open. Underground parking at the VBC South Hall is limited to 500 spaces.  Hamfest is coordinating with the VBC and City of Huntsville to address parking bottlenecks that occurred in 2019.

License Exams: 

Exams are conducted outside of the paid-admission area. Exams will begin at 10:00 sharp. Saturday and Sunday in the curtained area outside the South Hall. Bring your original license, copy of same, any CSCEs you want to present. Also, a government-issued picture ID. The test fee is $10.00; $5.00 for students. CASH ONLY. Please see the CAVEC website for current up to date information: cavechamexam.com

DX Card Checking:

Representatives will be available to field check your DX cards for DXCC credit. Visit the NADXC booth for information.

Hospitality Suites:

Huntsville Hamfest will host Hospitality Rooms on Friday and Saturday nights, at Embassy Suites, Room 201 from 5:30 — 10:30 PM. Come by and talk to the great, the near great, and those who just think they are great!

YL Breakfast:

A Dutch treat breakfast, organized by the Huntsville Area Young Ladies Amateur Radio Club (HAYLARC), will be at 7:00 AM Sunday morning at Cracker Barrel, 2001 Drake Avenue!  All are welcome.  (approx 6 min / 2 miles south of VBC).  

Talk-in station:

Our always welcoming and always helpful  talk-in crew will be operating as K4BFT on the 146.94-, 100Hz tone, repeater for complete talk-in information. Back-up frequency is 145.33-, 100Hz tone, repeater.

Thursday Night Net:

All hams arriving on Thursday are invited to check-in to our 2m Madison County ARES Training Net at 7:30 PM (146.94-,  100Hz).  This net will feature a more relaxed atmosphere and allow questions from visitors.  Back-up frequency is 147.220 + pl 136.5.

A Gathering on Monte Sano:

For many years QRP enthusiasts and other hams have chosen the overnight camping facilities at Monte Sano State Park.  2023 info TBD.  For information on overnight accommodations & services at the park, see: https://www.alapark.com/parks/monte-sano-state-park

The X-FACTOR Event

Since Hamfest always coincides with the 1st weekend of the 10 GHz & Up ARRL microwave contest, local operators have organized a Sat. afternoon operating event to provide contest contacts for microwave hams attending Hamfest.  On Friday evening at 6 p.m., those interested in participating will meet/greet/eat at the Valley Hill Country Club in S. Huntsville to go over the operational ground plans and assemble into teams. On Sat. after the morning forums, these teams will disperse to five verified (for propagation) operating sites.  When team members at a site work the other team members at the other sites, the groups will then rotate from site to site reworking the other team members for additional contest contacts.  Based on current planning, it is anticipated that each participant will be able to generate ~70 contest contacts, an exceptional number of QSO’s compared to the usual number for this contest.

Adult Soldering Class

The Huntsville Hamfest is sponsoring an adult introduction to soldering class again this year on Sunday morning.  Tools and kits will be provided but spaces are limited so please sign up in advance at the announcers’ podium on Saturday morning.