The origins of the Huntsville Hamfest date back to August 1954 when the annual North Alabama Hamfest alternated between the communities of Huntsville, Decatur, and Florence.  After a few years the Hamfest was held in Decatur in the odd numbered years and in Huntsville in the even numbered years.  The Huntsville location was in the lobby of what was known as “The Mall”, located at the corner of University Drive and the Parkway, and was a one-day (Sunday) event with an outdoor flea market and a Saturday night banquet.  Several ham organizations used upstairs rooms for meetings but there were no forums.

In 1980 the North Alabama Hamfest used the just-opened Von Braun Center.  It was still a one-day event but now the Flea Market was indoors and there were much better facilities for meetings & forums. With the success of the 1980 event, in 1981 the North Alabama Hamfest became the Huntsville Hamfest, a two-day event with forums, meetings, and other activities on both days.

Since 1981 the Hamfest has grown to use 100K square feet of air-conditioned space in the VBC South Hall, with additional space available to meet expanding needs.  Today the Hamfest offers a growing list of commercial vendors, a notable list of Forum presenters with many drawn from the local high tech aerospace community, and a vibrant indoor flea market.  A Youth Lounge, with a focus on demos & kit-building for folks of all ages was added in 2010.  Its popularity drove the organizers to increase the size of the Youth Lounge by 50% in 2018.

Throughout the growth of the Huntsville Hamfest the local Huntsville Amateur Radio Club, founded in 1952, and other clubs have supplied a large group of dedicated & friendly volunteers help to ensure a pleasurable weekend.

The Huntsville Hamfest has hosted the ARRL Alabama Section convention and in alternate years the Southeastern Division convention.  Twice, in 1993 and 2007, Huntsville has hosted the ARRL National convention.

Never outgrown however, is the small town southern hospitality we extend to our visitors & vendors.  Once you experience The World’s Friendliest Hamfest, we’re sure you’ll agree and will want to make Huntsville a regular destination on your annual  Hamfest schedule.


Hamfest & Banquet Timeline

Last update: March 19, 2025
(year #)YearNotable event(year #)DX Banquet SpeakerYoung Ham of the Year
11954First North Alabama Hamfest in Decatur, AL
21955North Alabama Hamfest held in Florence, AL
31956North Alabama Hamfest in Huntsville, AL
41957North Alabama Hamfest held in Decatur, AL
51958North Alabama Hamfest in Huntsville, AL
61959North Alabama Hamfest held in Decatur, AL
71960North Alabama Hamfest in Huntsville, AL
81961North Alabama Hamfest held in Decatur, AL
91962North Alabama Hamfest in Huntsville, AL
101963North Alabama Hamfest held in Decatur, AL
111964North Alabama Hamfest in Huntsville, AL
121965North Alabama Hamfest held in Decatur, AL
131966North Alabama Hamfest in Huntsville, AL
141967North Alabama Hamfest held in Decatur, AL
151968North Alabama Hamfest in Huntsville, AL
161969North Alabama Hamfest held in Decatur, AL
171970North Alabama Hamfest in Huntsville, AL
181971North Alabama Hamfest held in Decatur, AL
191972North Alabama Hamfest in Huntsville, AL
201973North Alabama Hamfest held in Decatur, AL
211974North Alabama Hamfest in Huntsville, AL
221975North Alabama Hamfest held in Decatur, AL
231976North Alabama Hamfest in Huntsville, AL President – Bill Christian, K4IKR
Vice President – Don Tunstill, WB4HOK
Vice President – Nancy Christian, WA4GQD
Secretary – Graham Gallemore, K4FTY
Treasurer –Frank Emens, W4HFU
241977North Alabama Hamfest held in Decatur, AL1First year of DX Banquet
251978North Alabama Hamfest in Huntsville, AL President – Bill Christian, K4IKR
Vice President – Don Tunstill, WB4HOK
Vice President – Nancy Christian, WA4GQD
Vice President – Sonny Batchelor, WA4OOM
Secretary – Graham Gallemore, K4FTY
Treasurer – Frank Emens, W4HFU
261979Last year of North Alabama Hamfest in Decatur3
271980Last year of North Alabama Hamfest at Von Braun Center President – Don Tunstill, WB4HOK
Vice President – Sonny Batchelor, WA4OOM
Vice President – Jim Brashear, WA4EKJ
Secretary – Graham Gallemore, K4FTY
Treasurer – Frank Emens, W4HFU
281981First year of Huntsville Hamfest at Von Braun Center President –Jim Brashear, WA4EKJ
Secretary – Graham Gallemore, K4FTY
Treasurer – Frank Emens, W4HFU
Ex-Officio – current HARC President (J D Bennight, K4GKJ)
Hamfest Chairman – Don Tunstill, WB4HOK
311984Dave K5RSI begins handling the Flea Market8
321985Art N4UC begins handling the Dealer Show9John Lindhom W1XX
331986Bill Pasternak begins awarding Young Ham of the Year Award10 WK5PShawn Alan Wakefield
34198711 KA9PMKDavid Rosenman
35198812 NK3DJonathan Binstock
36198913 KA0WTEErin McGinnis
37199014 KB2IGGMary Alestra
38199115 AA0CRRichard S. “Sammy” Garrett
39199216 KB0HXYAngela (Angie) Fischer
401993ARRL National Convention17Chip Margelli, K7JA N5XMHKevin Boudreaux
41199418Tony DePrato, WA4JQS and Walt Williams, W4BAI – South Sandwich Island and Peter I Island KD4CKPAllison Daneen Zettwoch
42199519Tim Totten, KJ4VH – BS7H Scraborough Reef N9MEZAdam Weyhaupt
43199620Wes Lamboley, W8FMG (W3WL) – XR0Y Easter Island KB7UIMToby Metz
44199721Dr. Glenn Johnson, W0GJ – VK0IR Heard Island N5ZGTBrian Mileshosky
45199822Jim Smith, VK9NS – H40AB Temotu Province and A51JS Bhutan ( KF4BIARichard Paczkowski Jr.
46199923Trey Garlough, N5KO – ZL9CI Campbell Island KE4EZIMichelle Swann
47200024Wes Lamboley, W3WL – A52A Bhutan KT4XAChristopher Arthur
48200125Wes Lamboley, W3WL – D68C Comoros Island KC8BFDPatrick Clark
49200226Bob Allphin, K4UUE – VK0IR Heard Island/ VP8THU South Sandwich Islands/ VP8GEO South Georgia Island “DXing from the Bottom of the World” KB3GWYJosh Abramowicz
50200327Bernie McClenny, W3UR – AH3D Johnston Atoll W6JAYJay Thompson
51200428Jess Lewis, KR4OJ – T33C 2004 Banaba Island KG4IUMAndrea Hartlage
52200529 WG4YRebekah Dorff
532006Embassy Suites opens in late 200630Bob Allphin, K4UEE, 3Y0X, Perter I NC8FCatherine Ferry
542007ARRL National Convention & W100AW/4 activation. First year of Youth Lounge31Bob Allphin, K4UEE, VU7, Lakshadweep Dxpedition W4GHMGrant Morine
55200832Ann Santos, TX5C Dxpedition KC0PTLEmily Stewart
562009Hamfest split between VBC North Hall & Arena. Don Tunstil WB4HOK SK. 33 KE5GDBAndrew Koenig
572010Southeastern Division Convention34 KI4FUVCody Anderson
58201135Wes Lamboley, W3WL, Micro-lite VP8ORK KS3PKaitlyn Cole
59201236Bob Allphin, K4UEE, Malpelo Island/HK0NA AK4JGErin King
60201337Rob Sherwood NC0B – High Performance Tranceivers KC9UUSPadraig Lysandrou
61201438Bob Allphin K4UEE – FT5ZM Amsterdam Island(No YHOTY awarded in 2014)
62201539Gregg Marco W6IZT from K1N Navassa W0ANTAnna Veal
63201640Craig Thompson K9CT, co-leader DXpedition Palmyra KD0WHBSkyler Fennell
642017Charlie Emerson N4OKL (SK Jan 14, 2017)41Bob Allphin K4UEE – 3Y0Z Bouvet Island prequel KC1CWFMarty Sullaway NN1C
652018ARRL Southeastern Division. Downtown power loss on Saturday night caused by squirrel.42Jim Fenstermaker K9JF – Kosovo activation of new DXCC entity KG5HVOBryant Rascoll
662019ARRL AL Section 43Joel Harrison W5ZN – What is (NOT) wrong with ham radio.KC9ZJXDhruv Rebba
672020 COVID cancel – ARRL Southeastern Division44COVID CancelKD8YVJChristopher Brault
682021ARRL Southeastern Division44Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA Swain’s IslandKD3ZFaith Hannah Lea
692022ARRL Southeastern Division45Ward Silver N0AXKM4BUNAudrey McElroy
702023ARRL AL Section 46Ken Claerbout, K4ZW, 2023 CQ Contest Hall of Fame InducteeW0AAEKees Van Oosbree
712024ARRL Southeastern Division47Gene Spinelli, K5GS. Clipperton Island TX5S Dxpedition.K8LGGrace Papay
722025ARRL AL State Convention47
Note 1The first North Alabama Hamfest was held in Decatur in 1954 and then alternated between Decatur, Florence, and Huntsville. After a few years, the hamfest was held in Decatur in the odd numbered years and in Huntsville in the even numbered years.In 1978 (and previous even numbered years) the hamfest was held at The Mall in Huntsville. At that time the hamfest was a one day event (Sunday), though there was a Saturday night banquet in a nearby location. Although there were no technical forums at the hamfest, several ham organizations (MARS, QCWA, AEN, ARRL) held meetings in the upstairs rooms at The Mall. The Flea Market was located outdoors in the Mall parking lot on Sunday, and there was an indoor Ladies flea market and Bingo games. There were also various contests during the hamfest (Home brew, Resistor network guess, Audio frequency guess, Left foot CW)de Graham K4FTY
Note 2In 1980, the hamfest moved into the Exhibit Hall at the Von Braun Civic Center. It still was a Sunday only event, but now the Flea Market was indoors and there were much better facilities for meetings. Because of the success of the 1980 hamfest, it was decided to hold the hamfest at the VBCC every year and the North Alabama Hamfest became the Huntsville Hamfest. The hamfest now became a two day event with forums, meetings, and other activities on both Graham K4FTY
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