Huntsville Hamfest Exam team has partnered with Hamstudy.org (by Signal Stuff) and Exam Tools (by Signal Stuff) to provide you with modern features such as instant results, and electronic documents.
The testing will be held both Saturday and Sunday, look for the signage as you come in the main doors to the VBC South Hall. The testing area is the first main hallway to your left by the stairway.
Exam Schedule:
Saturday – 10 AM. No latecomers please
Sunday – 10 AM. No latecomers please
There have been a few changes we would like to highlight to make the testing process smoother for you.
Online Registration is now Available:
We will also have a Special Pre-Hamfest Exam Session at Gigaparts on Friday 11:00 AM-12:30 PM Address: 6123 University Dr, Huntsville, AL 35806, USA Register for Friday @ Gigaparts <Click Here>
This will allow people to test, pay the $35 FCC fee and have their callsign issued Saturday Morning just in time for Hamfest! ( as long as there are no FCC complications)
Register for Saturday’s Hamfest Session <Click Here>
Register for Sunday’s Hamfest Session <Click Here>
Please register ahead of time, we can register Walk-ins, however Walk-ins are required to either already have a FRN or a personal internet connected computing device with email access to register for a FRN.
To Register for a FRN Please visit the “Getting an FCC Registration Number (FRN) in the Universal Licensing System (ULS)” <Click Here> Website for instructions.
The Exam fees are $5.00
The FCC Requires a $35 application fee paid to them

The fee ONLY applies to new, renewal, and vanity call sign applications.
There are NO FCC application fees for modifications such as upgrades, requests for a new sequential call sign, or for administrative updates such as a change of name, mailing address, e-mail address, or license cancellation.
The fee is paid directly to the FCC after the session (via e-mailed instructions).
Please use a valid e-mail address. The FCC will dismiss any application without a valid e-mail. The e-mail address is not public.